Aging is a natural process that can’t be stopped. However, changes in lifestyle and the environment, such as pollution, harmful UV rays, bad eating habits, and too much use of chemicals, are causing wrinkles and dryness to show up at a much younger age.
Skin tightening that doesn’t involve surgery helps tone and tighten the skin on the face and body. There are many treatments and technologies that have been approved by the FDA that can help tighten the skin. They work by using targeted energy to heat deeper layers of skin, which makes collagen, elastin, and keratin fibres that gradually improve skin tone and texture.
Skin tightening is done using:
IPL in combination with radio frequency.
Skin Tightening Treatment in Hyderabad
Expertise for the life of your Skin & Hair
There are no countless reasons to protect, enhance, and treat your skin and Hair. And no one qualified than a dermatologist and aesthetics to support your skin and hair health through every stage of your life.
You’ll look and feel your best when our expert dermatologists and aesthetics combine their expertise with widest range of services available at Wow Aesthetics Clinic.